Ivirizu, the best alternative for Bolivia’s energy supply
The Ivirizu Hydroelectric Project was included within the Economic and Social Development Plan PDES 2016-2020 of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, having been declared of “National Interest and Priority and is located within the Carrasco National Park, belonging to the Department of Cochabamba (Carrasco Province).
The objective of this project is to supply 292MW to the National Interconnected System (SIN), through the construction of two Cascade Hydroelectric Power Plants, Sehuencas Power Plant, with an installed power of 200 MW, and Juntas Power Plant of 92 MW.
In the Sehuencas Power Plant, the water coming from the Sehuencas reservoir is turbined, this Power Plant consists of three vertical Pelton turbines, the gross jump is 880 m. On the other hand, the Juntas Power Plant captures the waters of the intermediate basin between the Sehuencas reservoir and the Juntas site intake, as well as the turbined flow in the Sehuencas Power Plant, consisting of two vertical Francis turbines, the gross jump is 326 m.