Technological Innovation
It is noteworthy that, of the 15 million euros invested in R+D+i in 2018, 9 million euros correspond to technological innovation carried out in the projects carried out by TSK for its clients. This shows the great commitment of TSK to offer the best services to its clients, adapting their own different technologies to their customer’s needs.
As technological innovations, we can highlight the development of two new storage systems:

Molten Salt Storage Technology (ETES)
In eTES technology (electrical Thermal Energy Storage) electrical energy is stored in the form of internal energy of a fluid, to be later recovered in a steam turbine...
Liquid Air Storage Technology (LAES)
LAES technology (Liquid Air Energy Storage), stores energy by compressing and cooling air to a liquid state, allowing large amounts of air (and therefore energy) to be stored in a small space …

LAES technology (Liquid Air Energy Storage), stores energy by compressing and cooling air to a liquid state, allowing large amounts of air (and therefore energy) to be stored in a small space …