TSK’s Kékeli project in Togo drives sub-Saharan Africa towards energy efficiency

The KEKELI EFFICIENT POWER PLANT 65 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant will provide energy security to Togo

The KEKELI EFFICIENT POWER PLANT 65 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant will provide energy security to Togo, as it will be powered by natural gas supplied by the West African gas pipeline, or by liquefied propane gas. It will use Togo’s gas infrastructure and will serve as proof that gas-fired power plants can be a reliable, economical, efficient and decarbonizing alternative to HFO.

This project will serve in the future to test the efficiency and profitability of gas-fired power plants against HFO.

Similarly, this project is aligned with the objectives of the new National Development Plan (NDP), to meet the nation’s growing electricity needs at an affordable cost, and will help reduce Togo’s dependence on less efficient and more polluting heavy fuel engine (HFO) power plants in the country’s energy mix, reducing CO2 emissions.

The KEKELI EFFICIENT POWER PLANT Combined Cycle Power Plant will help meet almost 40% of the Republic of Togo’s electricity demand.

Located in the capital Lomé, the 65 MW plant will cover almost 40% of the country’s expected demand once completed, while creating job opportunities for Togolese citizens.

TSK is in charge of the implementation of the project under the EPC modality, after signing the agreement with the pan-African industrial group Eranove and the German Siemens Energy with the Republic of Togo in October 2018.

This new project consolidates TSK’s presence on the African continent where it has been working since 2000 in countries such as Morocco, Senegal, Algeria, Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Egypt and now Togo.