TSK will construct a turn-key 250 MW engine plant in Indonesia

26 January, 2017

At the beginning of the year TSK signed a contract in Jakarta with the Indonesian public electricity company PT PLN PERSERO for the turnkey construction of a 250 MW gas plant for an amount close to 200 million euros.

The contract signing ceremony was attended by TSK officials, headed by CEO Joaquín García Rico, and the President of the electricity company Sofyan Basir, as well as different members of the Indonesian government and representatives from the Spanish Embassy.

The contract will be executed in consortium with two local companies that will be in charge of construction and assembly, while TSK will be responsible for engineering, procurement, supervision of assembly and start-up of the plant, with an implementation period of 20 months.

In the public tender announced last September the consortium led by TSK prevailed over those presented by Japanese, Korean and European companies.

The plant will be located near the port of Lhoksemauwi, in the north of the island of Sumatra and will cover peak demand in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, which together have more than 18 million inhabitants.