Digital Transformation for Hydroelectric Power Plants

Project Digital Transformation for Hydroelectric Power Plants
Description Transformation of the analog information of industrial elements into digital information, integrated with monitoring systems.
Location Multiple locations
Finish date 2019
More info about the project
Digitization of analog meters
Analog indicators are frequently used to measure critical parameters, such as: current, voltage and power. Their use is common in industrial applications and, especially, in traditional plants that have been in operation for several years. In order to carry out the supervision, operators register values manually, and they periodically review alerts and note results. In the current technological context, it is necessary to automate this process. In this project, making use of vision technologies and TSK’s SISMETER solution, analog indicators are precisely digitized for their eventual submission, allowing the remote supervision of the installation. There is no need for the plant to be stopped while the process is carried out.
Throughout these years we have carried out numerous projects in this activity