SISCLOUD: Supervision of industrial and energy systems based on cloud computing
Projects co-financed by the CDTI and the European Union through the ERDF

SISCLOUD is a project whose objective is the development of a unified monitoring and analysis tool that allows the remote supervision of renewable energy sources. This tool will be designed and developed based on independent modular components built on “on cloud” technologies, facilitating integration with third parties and ensuring its flexibility and adaptability. The solution will incorporate real-time data processing (CEP system) combined with advanced machine-learning and historical data processing techniques. It will also have interactive visualization and analysis utilities such as real-time dashboards.
Last but not least, all solution services (ingest, storage, processing, visualization, etc.) are individually secured and monitored ensuring data traceability and service agreement levels (SLA). The inclusion of information technologies within the industrial world implies the development and application of new functionalities at various levels.