SecBluRed. Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the industrial loT (lloT)
Project subsidised by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Due to the current trend of attacks suffered by industry and considering the wireless technologies to be progressively implemented (substantial savings in the deployment of new systems), the SecBluRed project proposes a holistic research approach to cybersecurity for the Industrial IoT (IIoT, from now on), which could be extended to other industrial technological environments. To this end, three research axes are proposed:
IIoT Securitisation: building secure IIoT systems, based on secure components. The aim will be to identify new mechanisms complementary to the current ones to increase the cybersecurity of IIoT systems. This line of research is oriented towards the development of IIoT systems that consider 5G networks, the post-quantum stage (which is much closer than we think) and guaranteeing the identity of IIoT nodes (self-sovereign identity), among other aspects.
BlueTeam IIoT: IIoT system defence mechanisms. The objective is to provide additional mechanisms to an IIoT system (new or in operation) to increase its defence against cyber-attacks from malicious internal and/or external employees in order to stop information leakage or manipulation. This is a line of research on network-level defence mechanisms in the IIoT domain. Specifically, what is proposed is an intelligent network monitoring system that is non-intrusive in deployed systems, running on IIoT hardware designed for this purpose. An OT communication and control unit (wired) with new cybersecurity capabilities is also proposed.
RedTeam IIoT: validate the proposed security and defence mechanisms. The aim is to validate that the new IIoT system construction components are cybersecure, and that the IIoT defence mechanisms proposed in the project are effective. This is the last line of research aimed at minimising the likelihood of a security breach in IIoT systems incorporating the solutions proposed in this project, as there is no way of guaranteeing that there will be no security breaches.
The consortium of this project is led by MÉTODOS Y TECNOLOGÍA DE SISTEMAS Y PROCESOS, S.L. and counts on the participation of TSK ELECTRÓNICA Y ELECTRICIDAD, S.A., AMPLÍA SOLUCIONES, S.L., EDOSOFT FACTORY, S.L., OPEN CANARIAS, S.L. and SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ESPAÑA, S.A., OPEN CANARIAS, S.L. and SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ESPAÑA, S.A. The Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), the University of Oviedo (UNIOVI), Tecnalia, the Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL), Ikerlan, Gradiant and AICIA are also collaborating.