REHANDA: New system of storage and intelligent analysis of control values for bulk handling machines (Remote handling database)
Projects co-financed by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PCTI) 2013-2017, and the EU through the ERDF Funds

The main objective of this project is to address the development of a new generation of bulk handling machines, incorporating a system of data capture and storage, which, through Big Data technologies and data analysis, makes it possible to boost the competitiveness of a subsector that so far has had a low rate of implementation of these technologies. This means developing a database in the electronic control of each machine, thus enabling the option of storing performance data periodically as from the moment of commissioning.
This database must be unalterable by the client in order to ensure the traceability and usefulness of the data captured. Once this database is created, it will be necessary to develop a virtual platform for access to it, from which intelligent analysis of the data will be possible and its application to the development of new technologies that improve the equipment manufactured by PHB.