HyGENet: Hydraulic co-generation system in water abduction and distribution network.
LIFE12 ENV/ES/000695
Project co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the LIFE + program

The overall aim of the project is to generate clean electric energy from the utilization of the kinetic and potential energy currently wasted in the drinking water distribution and supply networks. This will be achieved through a modular electric power generator system built at pilot plant level, in which pressure reduction is carried out by means of a hydraulic turbine.
This system will generate 700,000 kWh of electrical energy, a savings of 188.3 t of CO2 and the non-emission of 403.2 kg of SO2 and 284.9 kg of NOx and will contribute to compliance with the agreements of the European Commission as regards the increase in the use of renewable energy sources, thereby contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore, in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol and the Government of Spain’s Renewable Energies Plan (PER 2011- 2020) which sets the target of reaching 268 MW in facilities of less than 1 MW.