Eucalyptus Integrated Wood Processing Project.
LIFE12 ENV/ES/000913
Proyecto cofinanciado por la Unión Europea en el marco del programa LIFE +

LIFE EUCALYPTUS ENERGY is an R&D+i project, framed within the LIFE+ policies and program with the objective that demonstrates and innovates the design and construction of a pilot plant for energy recovery of forest biomass. The waste of Eucalyptus globulus forest use will be shredded and pyrolyzed to obtain electric energy. As a sub-product of the process biochar is obtained, with an elevated capacity of improving the ground and atmospheric carbon fixation, contributing to the fight against climate change.
Besides the electric generation (100kW), the project has as an objective, the improvement of the ground after the application of biochar; to do this applied tests will be developed on Eucalyptus globulus saplings (due to their fast growth) with regular measurements to check growth, analysis of the ground before and after application with indicators such as pH, conductivity, organic carbon and the presence of nutrients (N, P, K).
The plant, located in Tineo, first in Europe and pioneer in pyrolysis of forest waste, will pose as a clear reference in the sector of biomass as well as a perfect example of small scale and semiportable energy production with negative emissions, with a great potential to provide energy for example to developing communities.