CABINET: automatic identification and verification of electrical components through artificial intelligence techniques.
Activities co-financed by the SEKUENS Agency and the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI)

The general objective of this R+D+i project is to find an innovative technological solution to automate and optimize the verification process of each panel while achieving complete traceability of the same. Through the use of video techniques and information and communication technologies (ICT), the aim is to speed up the process of verifying the presence of the components and compliance with the technical requirements established in the technical data sheet of the electrical cabinets. As anticipated, this would result in a reduction of costs associated with incomplete shipments and operator trips to correct missing elements, in addition to minimizing the risks inherent to these tasks.
Aware of the advantages that ICT technologies can bring in this area, TSK has decided to take a step forward and develop an innovative solution that optimizes and automates the verification process, achieving complete traceability of the process and thus improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.